Friday, May 20, 2011

Be A Planker

This week, I’d like to comment on a phenomenon that’s been going on for some time but only really making it into the news over the past week. And that is: planking.

For those not familiar with planking, it’s rather simple. You simply find interesting places to lie stiff as a board and photograph it for posterity. And nowadays with social networks connecting people around the world, it’s become a viral source of amusement. For me, anyway.

Just check out some of these hilarious “planks.”

On Facebook alone, there’s over 200,000 people who Like planking. Australia even has its own “Official Planking Page” (crazy fucking Auzzies). In fact, here’s a link to an Australian news report that shows just how prolific planking has become there – they covered it as a top story on the evening news:

Anyway, what I love about planking is that anyone can do it. It takes imagination and creativity to do a good plank and people from all around the world are jumping on the bandwagon and having fun with it.

But, like any fun thing, there are always a few people who spoil it for everyone else. Take Acton Beale of Brisbane Australia for example. Last Sunday, this young chap died after attempting to plank on a 5 cm wide balcony railing. Silly bastard. And now, the police there are cracking down on people planking on public property. In fact, they arrested a guy for attempting to plank on an unattended police car. Which is a knee jerk reaction to one idiot who took planking too far. I’m anticipating that this craze will continue to get more “regulated” and “outlawed” because, as I said, there are always some people who take it too far. People with huge fucking egos that want to show off how “brave” or “cool” they are. And when this happens, it ultimately ends up with someone getting hurt. Or, worse yet killed.

I know there is likely a whole bunch of people who think planking is some stupid, juvenile activity. It’s ridiculous. And yes, that’s the point. It is ridiculous. But you know what, I’d rather see people from all around the world engaging and sharing a universal experience as silly as planking than arguing about the things that make us different – like religion, ethnicity or culture. Because it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, black or white, Catholic or Muslim, straight or gay – anyone and everyone can plank.

So, plank on I say! Be creative. Have fun. Share your plank. Just don’t be a stupid ass and get yourself killed.

And that’s my brain fart for Friday, May 20, 2011.

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